Take a Look Back PT.1
Hey Everybody,
I was out driving through the hills the other day chasing down some nice scenery to photograph and I had a thought cross my mind. I was thinking that there was a time not too long ago when I didn't really have a clue what I was doing with a camera. How would the past version of me attack this sunset? How would the past version of me take this portrait? Well to answer that I had received my first camera in 2006, which was a Nikon D50 with a 20mm f2.8 and a 70-105 f4-5.6. Now knowing me and my mindset I loved fisheye lenses and basically ANY wide angle lenses! That's not so good for portraits or even landscapes. I mean I didn't even know what those "f4-5.6" markings were doing on the lenses or even the importance of ISO! At that time I didn't care, I just really enjoyed taking pictures.
I was given tons of books and small lessons from my dad, which helped guide me to take better photos more consistently. Honestly though what helped the most was all the times I would go drive and take photos of scenery or buildings. I would even experiment with lighting with self portraits. Finally it became time that I get a proper education and attended the Academy of Art in San Francisco.
Anyway back to the reason of all this! I can say that you definitely take your personal interests into photography. I love music and motor sports. I also love to travel and meet new people! That is why it's hard to stay in one area of photography. I took my love for music and kept taking photos of smaller bands at venues like The Vibe in Foster City, The Venue in Los Gatos or Bottom of the Hill in SF. At that point I started to make a portfolio for myself. Soon I was marking my calendar so I knew when all of my favorite bands would come into town and started emailing all the managers to hopefully have the chance to photograph in a greater venue. My first response was from The Expendables and I would be shooting in their hometown venue at The Catalyst.
Here is one of my first live band photos taken back in 2008. My friend Ryan in Hope For A.M. and my cheesy border effect!
I was beyond stoked for this. I mean first of all I was able to legitimately have my camera gear in a venue, then to be allowed in the photo pit up close to the bands was exciting, but the one thing that made the night was I was allowed backstage where I was able to share a drink with The Expendables! My excitement carried through the night where I somehow shot about 3k photos, which if you're not a band photographer is pretty ridiculous. I did learn a few things that night though, mainly how much I hate red lighting and what it does to the photos!
Ryan of The Expendables.
More recent photo of Hoodie Allen in SF
Since then I have built up a good portfolio which has allowed me to photograph many bands and events around San Francisco. It has truly been so much fun to meet all the different people in the music industry! In the end It's not like I know everything there is to know, but it's funny to look back to see where I started and how far I have come.